And baby makes two

Judy Sheehan
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Pub. Date: September 2005
ISBN-13: 9780345480071
25 $ aprox
At thirty-seven, Jane Howe is pretty sure she has attained the perfect life: a well-paying job, fantastic friends, family close by (but not too close), and a Greenwich Village apartment that makes visitors drool with envy. But that’s before she sees the perfect child, who causes her to question everything she has and everything she thought she wanted. As Jane struggles to decide if she should tend the ache in her heart and become a single mother, her friends and family offer no shortage of opinions. Just as she thinks she’s made up her mind, Jane discovers one small wrench in her plans: handsome, charming, funny Peter, who just happens to be (unhappily) married . . . And Baby Makes Two is a heartbreakingly honest, wonderfully addictive, and funny novel about love and loss, family and friendship. Judy Sheehan, co-creator of the smash hit Tony n’ Tina’s Wedding, has perfectly captured the delights and dilemmas of the scariest job in the world: motherhood.
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