
La biblioteca de la adopción y más

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Pieces of Me: Who do I Want to Be

Pieces of Me: Who do I Want to Be
Editado por Robert L. Ballard

EMK Press; First edition (November 6, 2009)
176 pages
ISBN-10: 0972624449
ISBN-13: 978-0972624442
9.2 x 6.9 x 0.5 pulgadas
24,95 € aprox.

Tabla de contenidos aquí y aquí


The book you hold in your hands is a collection of stories, poems, art, music, quotes, activities, provocative questions, and more-all for the young adopted person who wants to figure out his or her story but doesn't know where to begin. It is a book of voices, from ages 11 to 63, speaking honestly and authentically about what it means to be adopted. Most are adoptees from around the world-some are transracial, some are international, some are from foster care, some are young, some are old. There are a few adoptive parents, birth parents, and professionals who share themselves in here as well. It is a series of experiences, expressions, feelings, hurts, hopes, dreams, and struggles from a wide range of individuals. Some will make you laugh, some will make you cry, some will make you happy, some will make you feel less alone, some will offer advice, and some will just share. All of them are like us, figuring out where the Pieces of Me fit in with Who I Want to Be. Organized around the idea of putting a puzzle together, there are five major sections - Gathering the Pieces, Stolen Pieces, Fitting the Pieces, Sharing the Pieces, and Where do These Pieces Go?-all offering hope, encouragement, empowerment, and a sense of not being alone. Although it was conceived for the young adopted person, there are universal themes of healing, hope, and struggle all of us can resonate with. And if you are a parent, birth parent, or professional who works with adopted and foster kids, you will find a glimpse into their world. So, open the book. It doesn't matter where. Just open it up, and start to find the Pieces of Me: Who do I Want to Be? School Library Journal Gr 9 Up—This title refers to the "pieces" that adoptees must identify, gather, and put together properly in order to make themselves whole. It is a compendium of poems, essays, drawings, quotations, and photos created by adoptees, from 12 to 60+, intended to "offer practical insight and hope" to other adoptees. Each contributor is introduced in a brief biographical sketch that provides readers with background information that helps place each work in context. A few contributors describe their delight at finding someone who "looks like me," while others explore the agony of being rejected, or ignored, by a birthparent. Several adoptees express regret for the suffering they inflicted on their adoptive families, who were often caring and loving. Although many contributors are adults, they focus on their experiences as teens. The raw emotions exposed here make this a rather painful, but extremely powerful read. Suzanne Slade's Adopted: The Ultimate Teen Guide (Scarecrow, 2007) offers practical, factual information as well as some first-person narratives. However, its tone is more restrained and matter of fact. Pieces of Me should be considered for older patrons who are adoptees, as well as adoptive parents.—Deborah Vose, Highlands Elementary School, Braintree, MA

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LWB. Cambiando las vidas de niños huérfanos y sin recursos en China.

Half The Sky: Fundada por padres que adoptaron en China, esta organización, proporciona asistencia en los orfanatos chinos, para asegurar que los niños reciben amor, estimulación y educación. (Toda las páginas están en inglés)

Morning Tears: reconstruye el mundo para niños que perdieron el suyo

Fundación Vicente Ferrer en India

S.A.U.C.E. Esta institución fundada en 1991 por Kike Figaredo, muy cerca de Phonm Phen, tiene como misión formar a jóvenes mutilados por minas.

Sonrisas de Bombay: un proyecto en la India. Visita su Web
<----- AFAC Proyectos AFAC es una Asociación que quiere establecer vínculos con todos los agentes implicados con la adopción y la cultura China, quieren ser abiertos a nuevos contactos, nacionales e internacionales, a personas que quieren aportar sus conocimientos, a familias que desean formarse y compartir la experiencia vital de la adopción, parejas que empiezan o familias ya formadas, todos los que quieren aportar tienen un espacio en AFAC. En el apartado Proyectos podrás encontrar todos los proyectos que en AFAC se han realizado en los últimos años


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